A spiritual sheikh can lead you into the divine world of love and peace. But only ask a sheikh to perform a task you can do yourself. For example, you cannot tell a sheikh how to perform the ritual of Hajj. You cannot ask a sheikh to change your bad habits or help you overcome a breakup.
Al Ghazali
Al Ghazali is one of the most important and influential figures in Islamic religious thought. Throughout his life, he was involved in Sufi practices and was a great master of many Islamic disciplines, including logic, language, and meaning. He also compiled works on canon law and practical knowledge. In his time, he exhibited great independence of thought and was a great challenge to the five-hundred philosophies of Aristotle.
Al Ghazali was one of the first Muslims to study philosophy. His interest in philosophy is evidenced in his treatises on logic. Then, he became interested in theological theories.
A spiritual sheikh (شيخ روحاني) is a teacher who teaches people about the ways of God. The spiritual Sheikh also has the task of disciplining the spiritually depressed. He is also called a shaykh or axis.
A spiritual sheikh knows about Islam and can interpret the Qur’an and Hadith. This person also is the spiritual guide of the followers of the Islamic religion.
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani was born in 470 AH (1077-78 AD). His mother was sixty years old when she gave birth to him. In Baghdad, he was trained by Abu Saeed al-Mukharrami, known as Al-Makhrimi. He studied Tafsir and Hanabli Fiqah.
Al Hasan
Al-Hasan was a Saudi spiritual sheikh (رقم شيخ روحاني) who lived during a significant religious upheaval in Basra. He was known for his piety and generosity. His life was a product of diverse influences. Several Muslim mystics have named him as one of their spiritual masters.
Hasan was born in Kharaqan. As a young boy, he studied with Shaykh Ahmad al-Banna. This scholar was a Hanbali scholar who the Azhari school influenced. While he was studying, he devoted a lot of time to the study of religion.
Munkar and Nakeer
Munkar and Nakir are two spiritual sheikhs of the dead who test the faith of the dead in their graves. They are also called angels in Islamic eschatology. These gods are portrayed as having a solid black eye, a shoulder spanning a distance of miles, and speaking with tongues of fire. In addition, they are described as being large and having hammers so heavy that humanity could not move them.
According to Islam, these two sheikhs are angels sent by the divine to test the faith of the dead. Their name in Arabic, Munkar, means scales. The word is derived from the proto-Semitic NKR, also the name of the Assyrian nakru, which is also very similar to Nakir. Both of them bear similarities to Zoroastrian divinities such as Mithra and Sraosha.
Three kinds of knowledge
Philosophers and spiritual sheikhs have three kinds of knowledge, each of which has merits. For example, while some philosophers believe in the immortality of the soul, others assert, after Aristotle, that God is the sole creator of the universe. Other philosophers have a deterministic-emanationistic worldview, stating that the universe exists according to a set of laws. Meanwhile, some claim that the Word of God is the key to unlocking the secrets of creation. In addition, some scholars have made theoretical claims based on Islamic sources about mental health. These claims, which can be compared with the others, include meditation on the Word of God and reading newspapers.
Do not ask a sheikh to do this.
A spiritual sheikh is a real gnostic of Allah and has received in. However, idhn is not the same as ijazah. In the Islamic tradition, the idhn manifests in the inculcation of perfections of Islam.
One of the essential things on the path is sincerity. If you intend to reach Allah, you should always seek guidance. You should pray for it, and you should listen to lectures from your Sheikh.
Another thing you should not do is break the oath of your bayah. This is the oath that you take with your Sheikh. When you break it, you will be blocked from Allah.
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